50 Things Before 50


I woke up this morning and realised I was sick of paying rent to someone else and decided that I wanted save for house deposit within the next 2 years. Since that will come close to my 50th birthday I thought I would do a ’50 Things Before 50′ post and see how many other things I can cross off that list…

close up photography of a cellphone
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Pexels.com

Due date: 5th November 2022

  1. Pay off my NZ student loan
  2. Pay off my credit card bill
  3. Pay off my personal loan
  4. Save for a house deposit
  5. Clear the spare room
  6. Go to Malta
  7. Go whale watching
  8. Completely change my hair style
  9. Memory plan for a year
  10. Build a savings reserve
  11. Take a photo a day for a month
  12. Go out and drink cocktails
  13. Do a calligraphy/handwriting class
  14. Go back to Tasmania
  15. Actually read Hamlet
  16. Finish my compass tattoo
  17. Visit Perth
  18. Road trip around Scotland
  19. 10 year UK anniversary trip with the big sister
  20. Take Rory to Christchurch for mum’s 90th birthday
  21. Go in a hot air balloon
  22. Improve my mobility
  23. Photograph the lupins in NZ’s South Island
  24. Go home for Christmas
  25. Go to Grafton for the Jacaranda Festival
  26. Road trip in NSW
  27. Take a cooking class
  28. Stay at the W hotel in Brisbane
  29. Go to a drive in movie
  30. Make a list of my biggest accomplishments in the last 50 years
  31. Have a weekly “This week I’m grateful for…” list
  32. Declutter my whole house
  33. Completely unplug for a day
  34. Watch every episode of Supernatural
  35. Perfect a batch of scones
  36. Find a dress I like and wear it
  37. Go to a GOMA exhibit
  38. Organise my photos
  39. Write my will
  40. Do a reading challenge
  41. Find 5 new podcasts
  42. Start writing and continue ‘Dear Rory’ letters
  43. Visit the dentist once a year
  44. Finish an adult colouring book
  45. Stick to my habit trackers
  46. Write in my journal every day
  47. Go to a musical
  48. Go to a local cafe at least once a month to plan/blog
  49. Get healthier
  50. Tick off everything on this list

Phew.. there you go! I honestly didn’t think I would get to 50 things but found a couple of good blog posts online that helped the last 22 come together.

This isn’t necessarily a bucket list, it is more like a list of things I have been wanting to do for ages but haven’t gotten around to it for lack of funds or lack of motivation. I am not sure if I will get through everything but will cross things off as I complete them and will be back here on 5th November 2022 with a review of how I went.

Have you done anything like this? I would love to hear about it if you have.

Sarah xo