Melbourne – Day Two

And so begins my recap of my 2nd day in Melbourne – although, I didn’t actually get up to as much as I thought I did but I was still pretty busy through the day.

I met my sister at Southern Cross Station about 9-9.30am and we headed back to my hotel room to drop off her bags before getting the tram to Burke Street Mall for a spot of late breakfast/early lunch (or ‘brunch’ if you will). We went to the Royal Arcade, which was built between 1869 & 1870 and is a gorgeous example of Victorian architecture.

Enjoying a break at Koko Black in the Royal Arcade

We had toasted sandwiches from Koko Black, a well-known Melbourne Chocolatier and my sister had tea while I had a very delicious hot chocolate. After a bite to eat, we headed downstairs to a secondhand store that my sister thought was called “The League of Justice”.. I was rather confused when she mentioned the name. It is actually called the Brotherhood of St Laurence – I know, pretty close really ๐Ÿ˜€

A rather yummy hot chocolate

We grabbed a couple of bargains and then headed back to the hotel to pick up our bags and check out before heading back to Southern Cross Station to collect her granddaughter & my great-niece (they are one in the same) about 1pmish. We all then headed upstairs to the DFO shopping precinct and had a quick lunch at Schntiz’s.

After lunch we jumped in a cab and headed to our base for the week – Ali & Hill accommodation@lighthouse on Elizabeth Street. We had a two bedroom apartment on the 25th floor, which my sister was not happy about this as she is not a fan of heights but the view was pretty cool.

Sunset rays from our balcony

After settling in, my sister & I headed to the local Aldi to pick up supplies (very exciting part of travelling). We had a quick dinner at home before my great-niece headed off to meet friends for drinks and my sister and I just hung out at the apartment for the evening.

Not too much happened on Day Two .. which is good because Day Three was pretty full on! So here are a few more photos from Day Two – I didn’t actually take that many!

Melbourne Melbourne
Melbourne Melbourne
Melbourne Melbourne

Day Three is a lot more full on – I did nearly 12,000 steps that day, which is freaking monumentous for me! And I took quite a few photos as well, so there’s that to look forward too ๐Ÿ˜€

Day One