Waiting For Someday To Come…

We’ve all done the “someday I’ll do it” line.. well when do you say “screw ‘someday’.. I’m doing it now!!“??

I found a great quote years ago, one that I have shared here before

I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me

I think that quote can be adapted to

I was never going to do it if I waited for someday to come

Why do we constantly say ‘someday’? Why do we put that limitation on ourselves?

Whatever happened to Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign? What are we actually waiting for?

I have the words “carpe diem” tattooed on my wrist. It is there to remind me that life is short and you should seize the day while you still can.

Ok I know that work/school/family commitments can get in the way. I know that financially people struggle. But I also know that with a bit of willpower, you can do pretty much anything.

I’m going to share a little secret with you. I was in a large amount of debt a few years ago and was paying a lot of money each pay-day in order to pay off this debt. I struggled. There were times that I had to borrow money from family just to be able to eat. I get struggle, I really do. I still managed to make time for travel because at the end of the day, this is the only life you live – how do you want to live it?

I’m not saying it’s going to be easy to get to your goals. It’s going to be damn hard sometimes but isn’t it true that the best things in live are worth working hard for?

I travel a bit. Not a lot (not as much as people think I do) but I try to have one overseas holiday a year and I work hard to make it happen. I don’t have an overflowing bank account (I’m lucky if I have anything in my bank account at all!!) but with careful budgeting and not splurging on things I don’t need (that doesn’t always work!), I am able to have a pretty good trip because of it.

Your thing might not be travel, it might be a new car or new house. Whatever it is, don’t sit there and think ‘someday’.. stand up and say:



via Daily Prompt: Someday